Friday, November 6, 2009

Bath and Body Products

Bath and Body Products

Butterflys Meadows, Cabernet, Clean Breeze, French Lavender, Gardienia,
Gingerd Bergmont, Green Apple, Honeysuckle, Lilac, Ocean Mist, Sandalwood, Vanilla Silk,
Ylang Ginger
Honey Glycerin Soap $2.00 a bar
Bath Salts 2bags for $1.00 (packaged in 2oz bags)
Body Spritzer 8oz $4.00 each (no alcohol added)
Soy Lotion Bar $5.00 each Natural Fragrace Only
Tawashi Scrubber  $2.00 Each Colors Vary
(Hand Crocheted)
If you would like to order one of these items please contact us at


  1. Hey sweet pea! I am almost ready for bed. So tired today. Hope all is well with you and fam. I think of you everyday!!!! Hope we all can still get together. Are the sales good. Hope so.

    Talk again. Going to bed.

  2. As an innkeeper, I come across a lot of spa products...We love the quality of the bath salts and the fragrance of the bath soaps! Excellent products, the guests love them.
